
The blog of LJKelley. My Views, My Rants, My World! I'm gay, socialist, and liberal. I beleive in respect.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel Justified!

I lived in Haifa, Israel for 2 years though I'm not Jewish or Israeli. I think of the people I knew there that must be terrified, as well as the people on the Lebanese side (many which have stated in interviews on BBC & other channels that Hezbollah is wrong).

Israel is totally right to defend itself and destroy Hezbollah. I'm sorry Lebanon is stuck in this... but it can choose to destroy Hezbollah or have Israel do what is necessary to destroy them.

What did people think would happen? Did the Gaza situtation not teach Hezbollah anything? Hezbollah thought perhaps that Israel would negotiate the release of Prisoners who have been caught in terrorist attacks, or plotting, or financing them. So they will attack across a border that the UN has said was settled to get involved with Israel. Don't blame Israel, blame Hezbollah. We must destroy the Terrorist Infrastructure or Israel will continue to be bombarded with Missiles and Attacks from Lebanon until Israel is destoyed!

One must remember KEY FACTS:
1) The UN (UK, USA, France) created Israel after WW2.
2) The Nation of Palestine has never existed in History. It was under Jordanian and Egyptian Rule (or Occupation) after the British Left. Its funny they never pushed for statehood then or did attacks against Arab Nations
3) An Arab Coalition Invaded Israel in 1948 to destroy and terminated Israel upon its statehood.
4) Due to continue cross-border Terrorist Attacks, Israel invaded in 1967 and occupied the West Bank & Gaza
5) Arab Nations invaded and lost again in 1973
6) Hamas & Hezbollah are still determined to Destroy Israel and NOT settle peace with it!
7) Israel left Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza last year. However groups in in Gaza and Lebanon continue to fight Israel. In the so called ceasefire, Hamas fired over 500 missles into Israel... yet nobody reported that!!

The Solution to the Problem is Dialog and Compromise. Nobody is gonna come out of the situation a winner. I always feel that the Arabs never wanna compromise they want exactly what they want, and criticise Israel for not giving them exactly what they want. Israel should somehow pay for their misery, yet ignoring the security issues in Israel and the pain they have suffered since statehood in 1948.


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