
The blog of LJKelley. My Views, My Rants, My World! I'm gay, socialist, and liberal. I beleive in respect.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Best Buy Sucks

Today, I went to BestBuy in Destin, FL with my RewardZone certificates of $25 dollars. They were not honoured because apparently they were cancelled. They did not want to inform me why, or honour the certificates after repeated discussion, nor did they want to resolve the matter or find out what happened. The Certificates were not expired, the expiration date was over a month away!

They called someone to have me and my friend forcifully removed from the store, because they were "right" and I was "wrong" and they didn't want to discuss it.

My friend told me he heard them tell associates not to let us back in the store ever again. All over a tiff about $25. I found their customer service horrible, as we talked to over 3 people, including what I assumed to be a "manager"

I have spent over $2000 at that store, and with the RewardZone programe you earn $5 for every $150 you spend, so that $25 was the result of over $750 of spending at Best Buy!


Please read my update at http://ljkelley.blogspot.com/2006/05/bestbuy-update.html


  • At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bestbuy has been unable to repair my Sony digital camera after three attempts. The camera takes black pictures. Bestbuy has had the camera in its possession for the last six weeks. The camera has been returned to me three times, under Bestbuy's warranty plan, but the camera is never repaired. When I questioned the employees at the Geek Squad I received many "whatever, dude" responses combined with blank robotic stares.

    I contacted Sony (my camera is still under Sony's one year warranty). Sony says Bestbuy is not a certified Sony repair facility. Sony says Bestbuy should not be doing a repair on a Sony camera while the camera is still covered under Sony's warranty. Sony says Bestbuy should have returned the camera to Sony rather than using Bestbuy's own third-party repair center. The Bestbuy store manager appeared clueless about Bestbuy not being a certified Sony repair facility. Again, I received the "whatever, dude" explanation and the blank stare.

    Moral of the story: don't buy a camera (or anything else) from Bestbuy. Take your money elsewhere.

  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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