
The blog of LJKelley. My Views, My Rants, My World! I'm gay, socialist, and liberal. I beleive in respect.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Gay Rights = Human Rights!

This is a comment I wrote in response to: Same-Sex Marriage: Hijacking the Civil Rights Legacy

The author seems to forget what the Civil Rights movement was realy about. In those days it wasn't popular to support blacks or inter-racial marriage. In fact you could get killed, or put in jail for inter-racial marriage.

The movement was not about slavery as you claim (slavery already abolished), but about racism and discrimination. If one had a come clean as a homosexual in the 1950's, one surely would have been killed or put in jail. If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. The fact is you can marry (and more importantly receive the associated rights) the person you love. I can't marry the person I love. That is the definition of inequality or discrimination.

Democracy didn't support taking away segregation or the ban on inter-racial marriage. In fact the majority were for the ban and segregation. It is not right of any majority to be a tyrant on the miniorty. That is why we are republic with a constitution, to protect the rigths and freedoms of all. The Pilgrims came to America because they were discriminated against as a religious miniority.

Please help Stop Hatred!


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